The original MustBeGay was all about links to other gay sites (and it’s still all there – just click the pink button on the right labeled MustBeGay Directory) so don’t forget to add your site) So in keeping with that tradition, we’re going to be highlighting some of our favorite blogs. The first in this series is: The Uncut Cock.
I’ve been following this uncut cock blog for a long time now, and they do a great job of covering (pun intended) everything about the uncut cock. You can expect to find articles, links, art, and of course porn stars and porn sites with models with their dicks all beautifully intact.
Mentioning this site is actually very timely for me – every few months there seems to be a huge debate over on the USG-online (USG = Undewear Swimwear Guide) message boards about cut versus uncut. And there’s a brand new one here. Seems like everyday there’s a new study how guys with uncut dicks are a higher risk in contracting STDs like HIV and HPV, and then there’s a medical journalist who rebuffs the study. As with most heated discussions on message boards, they are heated and generally break away from scientific evidence and opinion to name calling.
Personally I’m uncut and so is my partner (hi Versexxx!) and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I absolutely love uncut cocks, but I also really really like cut cocks too. Variety is the spice of life. And my take on all this is simple – be informed and read up on it and make the decisions for yourself, and most importantly – Love Yourself. Cocks are pretty wonderful whether you’re cut or not. Be safe but have fun with what you have.
So back to The Uncut Cock – it’s a great site and if you’re into uncut cocks like I am, you’ll want to bookmark it and visit it regularly.