A funny thing just happened…
Not due to any real reason, but I haven’t promoted ManifestMen on my blogs for sometime. I guess if there was any reason, it’s simply because I’ve been too busy, but ManifestMen is one of those websites that I always come back to not only because it’s by far the sexiest gay porn site out there, but also because of the time, effort and quality that goes into both their photo shoots and video shoots. Think of what would happen if a photographer like Herb Ritts did porn and that’s the best I can do to describe what ManifestMen is all about.
So, anyway, I’m here writing this post about one of my favorite models on their site Alex Westfallen and the phone rings in the office and it just happens to be ManifestMen, and in particular, it’s Alex Sulaco the director of the movies. I’ve never spoken to or met them before and like I said I haven’t done a ManifestMen update in a while so what are the chances of that? Turns out he’s looking for some jockstraps and who else to ask about Jockstraps than Jockstrap Central (my underwear store.) Anyway, so now I know he’s not only talented, but nice as well.
So, back to the actual post – Alex WestFalen is stunning, and the stark dessert setting is wonderful because the hot sun creates lines of beaded sweat down traveling down Alex’s chiseled body. These are only a few photos from the complete set, but the real deal is the video and seeing Alex in motion.
ManifestMen features bodybuilders and fitness models, and although not every phoot and video is what I’d consider porn, each and every one is sexy and erotic and when they do do porn it’s full-on and hot. The photos are some of the biggest I’ve ever seen on a porn site, and the ManifestMen videos are huge and offered in multiple formats so get clicking on over to check it out: